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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Read our Science Bulletin
Project • CAF2015-RR11-NMY-Siswanto, CAF2016-RR06-CMY-Siswanto, CAF2017-02CMY-Siswanto

Developing high spatiotemporal resolution datasets of low-trophic level aquatic organism and land-use/land-cover in the Asia-Pacific region: toward an integrated framework for assessing vulnerability, adaptation, and mitigation of the Asia-Pacific ecosystems to global climate change

As a research-based, proposed activity comprises two main parts. The first part aims at developing high spatiotemporal resolution datasets of the Asia-Pacific LTLO and geophysical variables to fill spatiotemporal data gaps which is relevant to focus activity or high-priority interest (i) (see p. 3 of Call for Focussed Activities under APN’s Climate Adaptation Framework). Practically, relevant to high-priority interests (i) and (ii), the first part comprises calibration/validation of satellite data/model estimation by using in situ data collected and shared by collaborators, and as one of the project contributions, the developed datasets will be launched on the JAMSTEC’s web/server to be shared with end-users. As for the second part which is relevant to high priority interests (iii), (iv), and (vii), the activity will utilize constructed high-resolution LTLO and geophysical datasets to assess the impacts of climate changes on terrestrial/marine LTLO modification, vulnerability, and expected human/economic risks, based on which climate change adaptation and mitigation action plans will be recommended. For the success of the proposed activity, communications among the collaborating scientists, between scientists and stakeholders (e.g., local government, etc.) are needed and valuable for making recommendations to policy/decision-makers to implement climate change adaptation and mitigation based on scientific knowledge gained from this proposed activity, thereby relevant to high priority interest (v). In line with the UNFCCC and relevant to high priority interest (vi), participating scientists will develop regional datasets, models, methods and implement generated information in different areas surrounding their countries, thereby promotes regional capacity development (especially in developing countries).

Project publications

Peer-reviewed publication • 2023

Variations of phytoplankton chlorophyll in the Bay of Bengal: Impact of climate changes and nutrients from different sources

Peer-reviewed publication • 2022

Spatial variability of nutrient sources determining phytoplankton Chlorophyll-a concentrations in the Bay of Bengal

Peer-reviewed publication • 2022

Variability of Arabian Sea surface circulation and chlorophyll distribution: a remote sensing estimation

Peer-reviewed publication • 2022

Winter–Spring Phytoplankton Phenology Associated with the Kuroshio Extension Instability

Peer-reviewed publication • 2020

Impacts of climate changes on the phytoplankton biomass of the Indonesian Maritime Continent

Peer-reviewed publication • 2020

An integrated method for identifying present status and risk of drought in Bangladesh

Peer-reviewed publication • 2019

Surface chlorophyll-a variations in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean during various types of the positive Indian Ocean Dipole events

Peer-reviewed publication • 2017

Abnormal features of oceanographic characteristics in upwelling Vietnam waters under impact of El Nino event

Report • 2021

Project Final Report: CAF2017-RR02-CMY-Siswanto

Peer-reviewed publication • 2021

The formation of subtropical phytoplankton blooms Is dictated by water column stability during winter and spring in the oligotrophic Northwestern North Pacific

Peer-reviewed publication • 2021

Impact of the strong downwelling (upwelling) on small pelagic fish production during the 2016 (2019) Negative (positive) Indian Ocean Dipole events in the Eastern Indian Ocean off Java


LowTroMAP database

Peer-reviewed publication • 2020

Temporal variability of satellite-retrieved chlorophyll-a concentration data in Arctic and subarctic ocean regions within the past two decades

Peer-reviewed publication • 2020

Temporal variability of satellite-retrieved chlorophyll-a data in Arctic and subarctic ocean regions within the past two decades

Conference material • 2020

Abstract Booklet of the 8th Asian/17th Korea-Japan Workshop on Ocean Color

Peer-reviewed publication • 2019

East China Sea ecosystem under multiple stressors: Heterogeneous responses in the sea surface chlorophyll-a

Conference material • 2019

Abstract Booklet of the 7th Asian/16th Korea-Japan Workshop on Ocean Color

Peer-reviewed publication • 2019

Retrieval of biomass burning haze aerosol optical thickness using MODIS 500m data

Conference material • 2019

The 6th Asian/15th Korea-Japan Workshop on Ocean Color 2018

Peer-reviewed publication • 2018

A critical re-assessment of the primary productivity of the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and Sea of Japan/East Sea Large Marine Ecosystems

Peer-reviewed publication • 2018

Spatial and temporal variability of surface chlorophyll-a in the Gulf of Tomini, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication • 2018

Variability of surface chlorophyll-a distributions in the northwestern coast of Sumatra revealed by MODIS

Peer-reviewed publication • 2018

A rare dispersion of low‐salinity, high‐gelbstoff, high‐primary production water in the East China Sea during the summer of 2010: Possible influence of the ENSO

Peer-reviewed publication • 2018

An assessment of a coastal altimetry data product in the Indonesian Waters

Peer-reviewed publication • 2017

Detailed spatiotemporal impacts of El Niño on phytoplankton biomass in the South China Sea

Peer-reviewed publication • 2017

The distribution and variability of chlorophyll-a bloom in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean using Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis

Peer-reviewed publication • 2016

Sixteen-year phytoplankton biomass trends in the northwestern Pacific Ocean observed by the SeaWiFS and MODIS ocean color sensors

Peer-reviewed publication • 2016

The modification of water column conditions in the Gulf of Thailand by the influences of the South China Sea and monsoonal winds

Peer-reviewed publication • 2016

Surface chlorophyll-a bloom along the southern coast of Java during 2015 Indian Ocean Dipole event

Conference material • 2016

The 3rd Asian/12th Korea-Japan Workshop on Ocean Color 2015

Peer-reviewed publication • 2016

Meridional and seasonal footprints of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on phytoplankton biomass in the northwestern Pacific Ocean

Conference material • 2016

Abstract Booklet of the 4th Asian/13th Korea-Japan Workshop on Ocean Color

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Atmospheric deposition – Another source of nutrients enhancing primary productivity in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean during positive Indian Ocean Dipole phases