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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Read our Science Bulletin

Core activities

We pursue our vision by supporting collaborative regional research, scientific capacity development, and strengthening linkages between the science, policy and practitioner communities.

Core activities

Regional research

Through the competitive Collaborative Regional Research Programme (CRRP), we promote regional research that has potential to improve our understanding of global change and its implications while contributing to a sound scientific basis for policymaking in areas affected by global change.

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Capacity development

CAPaBLE, our scientific capacity development programme, aims to enhance the capacity of scientists, policymakers and practitioners to assess global change issues, and explore options to resolve issues towards achieving sustainability. Through CAPaBLE, we support activities that enhance capacity at individual, organizational and systemic levels.

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Science-policy linkages

One of our goals is to strengthen interactions among scientists and policymakers. To this end, we work with governments, project teams and international partner organizations to develop policy-relevant knowledge products and create empowering environments conducive to enhancing science-policy interactions.

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Latest projects

Photo by Chris Leboutillier on Unsplash

Project • CRRP2023-02MY-Kanniah

Mapping, tracking and identifying the emission sources of PM2.5 using multiple satellite sensors and assimilated ground observations for health risk assessment in Southeast Asia

Project • CBA2024-04SY-Gupta

Integrating climate and biodiversity priorities into urban planning through capacity building: Advancing a collaborative approach for urban planners and forest officials in Assam, India

Photo by Izuddin Helmi Adnan on Unsplash

Project • CRRP2023-08SY-Wan

Assessing urban heat islands in southeast asia megacities: An integrated study of land use, climate variability and heatwave occurrences

Photo by Tu Nguyen on Unsplash

Project • CRRP2023-09SY-Ngo

Strengthening food security via strategic agricultural water management: A case study on assessing water demand from high-resolution SAR remote sensing for enhanced operational plans in water works systems of Vietnam and Cambodia.

Photo by Steffan Mitchell on Unsplash

Project • CRRP2023-10MY-Setyawan

Adapting the impact of land use and climate change through smart irrigation water management to support food security (SIWAMA)

Project • CBA2024-05MY-Ho Van

Promoting adoption of circular economy in agriculture for sustainable development in northern mountainous region of Vietnam

Project • CBA2024-06MY-Flores

LEAD41PH(Leadership for Environmental Action and Development Through Foresight-One-Planetary Health): A multi stakeholder capacity building on policy and practice for sustainable use of aquatic resources integrating foresight-one-planetary health approach

Project • CBA2024-07MY-Xie

Research-based Capacity Building for Advancing Urban Nature governance in China for climate resilience and ecosystem restoration (CaBUNA)

Project • CBA2024-01SY-Santiago

Bridging academic researchers and vulnerable island communities in the Philippines: Enhancing capacities for climate and disaster risk management of low-income municipalities in Batanes, Philippines