Smallholder farmers are vulnerable to climate change impacts and non-climate stressors including environmental degradation, market uncertainties, and COVID-19 pandemic. In the Philippines, the smallholder farmers in upland communities revealed that their agricultural production was highly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The most affected element of their agricultural production is the farm inputs because of their physical and financial inaccessibility to fertilizers, seeds and pesticides during the long lockdowns. Given their potential contributions to food security, it is high time to build their capacity to develop their own nature-based and ecologically-sound farm inputs, particularly organic soil amendments and organic pest control. In this way, they would not depend on externally-based farm inputs particularly fertilizers and pesticides, while at the same time, promoting environmental integrity within their communities. The proposed project aims to future-proof smallholder farmers in the Philippines through nature-positive food production. The proposed project addresses three APN agenda: capacity development, science and policy agenda. This project seeks fund support of US$ 38535 from APN, with in-kind counterpart from project collaborators from three universities. The project will run for 24 months, and will generate positive outcomes that will lead towards promoting sustainable food production and consumption and circular and ecological sphere.
Project • CBA2023-01MY-Landicho