This project aims to develop a platform for urban flood risk mitigation as well as water quality improvement in Asian coastal cities. Special attention will be paid to the impacts of climate change and urbanization on water allocation and water quality levels in soil, river water and coastal water by using the latest CMIP6 Socio-economic climate change scenarios centred on SSPs (Shared Socio-economic Pathways). The platform will be developed and set up based on existing projects and models. It includes (1) a flood model, to assess how climate and human activities will impact hydrological processes and surface water levels, (2) a river water quality model, to assess how river flow changes combined with human activities will impact surface water quality and nutrient levels especially during flood events, (3) a coupled model to be used as a management tool for flood and water quality management in flood. These three models will form the basis for a new integrated platform to assess flood, water allocation, water quality, nutrients, and to explore new scenarios for improved water allocation and water quality. Furthermore, it will address multifaceted challenges of excessive runoff, water scarcity as well as water pollution due to climate change and human activities by providing urban-system based adaptation measures to strengthen resilience of the study sites that can be extended to traditional urban water management systems to cope with climate change and urban development.
Project leader
Prof. Herath Srikantha, Center for Urban Water, Sri Lanka
One of the most remarkable projects I've had the privilege to be part of, collaborating with an exceptionally cordial team from the China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Japan. We achieved outstanding results and significant impacts during COVID with limited resources.
Prof. Bam Razafindrabe, University of the Ryukyus, Japan
I feel privileged to be part of this APN project. It has provided me with essential knowledge in nature-based wastewater treatment and flooding disaster research. The project also allowed me to engage with experts, participate in seminars, and exchange valuable insights.