Working on sensitive ecosystems that extend across multiple countries and involving multiple collaborating institutions offers challenges. Such challenges are even more pronounced due to the recent global COVID-19 pandemic. The use of interactive web-based dashboards with a suite of visual analytics improves the efficiency of collaborative work and enables wider sharing of the progress of research activities.
The aim of the dashboard, created with ArcGIS Online Dashboard, is to visualize the progress of activities among collaborators and for a wider sharing of intermediate outputs of the project “Protecting ecosystems and livelihoods of the Sundarbans, a World Heritage site: Assessing the impact of natural hazards on forest-based ecosystem services” funded by APN. This dashboard can help users understand the project’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall sustainability, and provides a single access point to facilitate the comparison of field data collection locations among all collaborators, visualize intermediate data, and relate field data with a variety of spatial layers.