Dr Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava is teaching and coordinating spatial science courses which include geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing and surveying courses that are part of Geospatial Analysis Minor. He has developed several innovative ways to engage students in learning spatial science and geospatial analysis. These innovative approaches include engaging students in field-based and lab-based activities, using diverse assessment-feedback regimes utilising web 2.0 tools, using Threshold Concepts Framework, using activity-based learning in the real-world environment, and using 3D models as well animations in desktop and immersive environments.
Dr Srivastava has several years of experience in the application of geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing techniques to natural resource and urban resources management. Dr Srivastava obtained his PhD degree in Geographical Sciences from The Australian National University where he tested several spatial models for predicting fish species’ distribution in the inland aquatic ecosystem.
Dr Srivastava has worked with different organisations that include the Australian Defence Force Academy, Bureau of Rural Sciences, The World Fish Centre, National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, and several locations at the Australian National University.