The impacts from flood disasters brought about by climate change can be reduced with timely and accurate predictions and preparedness. Moreover, effective engagement techniques between the community and the agencies play an important role improving community resiliency. The overall aim of this project is to develop a real time flood modeling tool which will be used to mitigate against flood risk, suggest climate adaptation measures, and improve community resiliency. This proposal involves collaborators from 3 APN countries (and participants from 2 additional APN countries), with complimentary skillsets. The team is gender balanced and includes early career researchers. The collaborators will apply their shared expertise in to establish a real time modeling approach for two case studies, one in Malaysia and one in Thailand, that will showcase how the modeling approach can mitigate flood risk. The flexibility and robustness of the modeling approach lies in two areas: i) significantly reduce computational time through cloud computing, and ii) streamline capacity development for line agencies. The results from this research will be used in the development of a resiliency index, facilitated through engagement with local community and adapted from ongoing work in Malaysia and Thailand. A series of workshops are planned to foster communication and outreach to the local community and pertinent government agencies.
Project • CRRP2022-07MY-Basri