The Conservation Farming Village (CFV) programme was designed to transform erosive farming in sloping lands (uplands) into a strategy for improving the income and quality of life of farmers and for promoting the resilience and sustainability of upland areas. It involves the active collaboration of upland communities, local government units (LGUs), and academia in enhancing the capability of upland communities in practicing conservation farming and other related technologies. Prior to this project, 75 initial upland communities in five different towns were implementing the CFV programme. This project aimed primarily to build the capacities of upland farmers and communities, LGU executives, and technical personnel to implement the CFV programme in other upland areas, especially on sloping lands, in the country. The target of the project was to facilitate the establishment of at least one new CFV model farm in each of the 15 new provinces. Enhanced capability of the farmers and LGUs were vital to the success of CFV in these sites. Five training courses were conducted with 272 participants consisting of farmers, LGU officials and academia. Participants visited existing CFV sites. Eighteen farms were established in the eleven provinces where CFV capacity building activities were implemented.
Peer-reviewed publication