The project is undertaken in support of the Local Government Code (RA 7160) of the Philippines, under which the local executives are given autonomy to attain sustainable access to and development of their resources, increased productivity, enhanced sustainability through soil-water nutrient conservation; community participation and increased equitability and empowerment among the constituents.
The Conservation Farming Village (CFV) is a modality for improving human life through better livelihood, agricultural productivity, and environmental security of communities living in the marginal sloping lands under the prevailing climate context. It aims to help upland farmers improve their economic conditions by strengthening their skills and enhancing their assets to manage the natural resources thereby protecting their communities against environmental degradation while sustaining their sources of livelihood.
CFV is a tripartite collaboration among state universities or colleges (SUC), local government units (LGU) and farmers. The CFV was first implemented in five provinces in the Philippines and this project aims to enable LGU executives and development workers to adequately empower upland farmers and local community leaders in establishing one model farm per province in one year in 15 provinces.