Joyashree Roy is currently the inaugural Bangabandhu Chair Professor and the Director of Centre on South and South East Asia Multidisciplinary Applied Research Network on Transforming Societies of Global South at SERD/AIT, Thailand. She is also with the Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, India (on lien currently). She is national fellow of the Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR). She is the Founding advisor of the two multi year projects: Global Change Programme and Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF) Project at Jadavpur University. She was Ford Foundation Post Doctoral Fellow at LBNL, Berkeley, USA. She is the recipient of 2021 Paradigm award of The Breakthrough Institute,USA. She was in IPCC-2007 Nobel Peace Prize winning panel and is continuing as Coordinating Lead Author in Sixth assessment cycle of WGIII, of IPCC. She has been a chapter author of Global Energy Assessment, has been associated with the Stern Review Report and many other global and National, Subnational Reports. She is in the winning team of Prince Sultan Bin Aziz award for water. She has published more than 155 peer reviewed journal articles, authored and edited books. Her research interests are: Economics of Pollution and Climate Change, Modeling energy demand, Economy-wide modeling exercises for deriving policy implications, Water quality demand modeling, Water pricing, Sustainable development, Natural resource accounting, Valuing environmental services, Developmental and environmental issues relevant for informal sectors, Coastal Ecosystem service evaluation, Bangladesh economy and energy policy. Prof. Roy features in the documentary Juice: How Electricity Explains the World which explains among other things how developing countries are trying to bring people out of the dark and to the lights.
Project leader
Joyashree Roy
Jadavpur University