Managing hazards and building back better is every governments’ top priority across the world. Located in one of the most hazard-prone areas, the Mekong river basin countries are frequently exposed to hydro meteorological hazards. However, managing these hazards is becoming more challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence a multi-hazard disaster risk management perspective should be adopted to strengthen disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. To strengthen livelihood security and resilience, it is essential to quantify them in the form of indices. The proposal aims to create a tool for measuring livelihood security and resilience to multi-hazards, including the COVID-19 pandemic. It focuses on building the capacities of the stakeholders for evidence-based decision-making and interventions. In the first phase, the project will develop a Livelihood Security and Resilience Assessment (LiSeRA) tool for measuring multi-hazards perspectives of the selected communities in selected Lower Mekong river basin countries. The second phase will emphasis on capacity building through training workshops for adopting the tool in the multi-hazard risk management context. The workshop participants will be from government agencies, practitioners, academicians, and young researchers active in the field of disaster risk management. The tool and training are expected to enhance the capacities of managing multi-hazards in the era of COVID 19, 2021/22, and beyond.
Project • CBA2021-08SY-Pal