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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Read our Science Bulletin
Project • CRP2010-02CMY-Pereira, CRP2011-01CMY-Pereira

Strengthening capacity for policy research on mainstreaming adaptation to climate change in agriculture and water sectors

The Project was initiated in August 2009 to strengthen research capacity on mainstreaming climate change adaptation concerns into agricultural and water policies and foster networking for adaptation policy research in Asia. Research activities were carried out collaboratively by four institutes from India, Japan, Malaysia and Viet Nam, and had later been expanded to involve researchers from Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines. The technical, institutional and regulatory barriers to integrating climate change adaptation concerns at both policy and operational levels were assessed and approaches for addressing the barriers were identified. The priority issues in developing indicators to monitor mainstreaming of adaptation measures were identified and country-specific menu of indicators to track effectiveness of such measures were developed. Case studies were conducted in evaluating effectiveness and to identify characteristics of selected policies that will enhance adaptive capacity. The project played a catalytic role in exchange of information between policy makers and researchers.

Project publications

Report • 2013

Project Final Report: CRP2011-01CMY-Pereira

Peer-reviewed publication • 2012

Climate change impacts and adaptation on the water resources and agriculture in Vietnam: Case studies in Mekong and Red River deltas

Peer-reviewed publication • 2012

Climate disasters and climate change in Vietnam: Tendency, strategic tasks, and action plans

Peer-reviewed publication • 2012

A decision support system to deal with contemporary issues of climate change-induced vulnerability and human security in peninsular Malaysia

Book / book chapter • 2011

Climate change impacts in Japan and Southeast Asia: Implications for crop adaptation

Peer-reviewed publication • 2010

Climate change adaptation: An overview of Southeast Asia

Peer-reviewed publication • 2010

Adaptive capacity to climate change: Concept and approaches for the water sector in Malaysia

Peer-reviewed publication • 2010

Climate change adaptation in the agriculture and water sectors: An overview of Vietnam

Peer-reviewed publication • 2010

Climate change adaptation policy for agricultural livelihood in Malaysia

Peer-reviewed publication • 2010

Mainstreaming adaptation to climate change in the agriculture and water sectors in India: An overview of the challenges

Peer-reviewed publication • 2010

Mainstreaming climate change adaptation in the Asia-Pacific: Current status and way forward for the agriculture and water sectors

Book / book chapter • 2010

Monitoring the progress of adaptation to climate change: The use of adaptation metrics

Peer-reviewed publication • 2010

Climate change adaptation in water and agricultural sectors in the Philippines

Peer-reviewed publication • 2010

Climate change adaptation: An overview of financing mechanisms in the agriculture and water sectors