The project aims to enhance scientific capacity and knowledge at local level in planning and decision making on improving the situation of coastal communities, their resource use patterns and vulnerabilities of coastal ecosystems. Along with ICZM/ICMAM/IMCAM, recently MSP is gaining attention as a new approach to sustainable coastal and marine resource management by integrating economic, environmental and social issues. In many countries MSP, which requires a shared platform and collaboration among stakeholders, has been proved as an effective tool to implement ecosystem-based approach of planning to achieve long term maritime vision and to promote sustainable use and conservation of critical biodiversity. MSP is not only a map of the ocean/sea, but also an analytical process involving spatial information often resulting in maps,and when required it visualizes objects or processes in space and time for better planning and management. The field research, on adapting MSP at the local level, will be conducted in Thailand (Songkhla Lake Basin) and Bangladesh (Satkhira District), the selected areas with common coastal resources management issues and cases to learn from each other. The project generated science-based knowledge and skills will contribute to decision-making on development planning, resource utilization, and investment plans at the local/sub-national level, which will eventually contribute to the national level in achieving SDG14 and relevant SDGs.
Project • CBA2021-04MY-Hossain