Agrarian economies such as Pakistan are acutely sensitive to Climate Change impacts. Evidently, these impacts are causing a decline in Pakistan’s agricultural productivity and thus stressing Pakistan’s economy and food security. Therefore, the need for attuning the country’s agriculture sector under the framework of climate compatible development (CCD) is crucial. In many areas of Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) provinces of Pakistan, existing archaic practices such as; poor on-farm water management, excessive tillage, misuse of pesticides, mono-cropping, intensive cultivation, outdated cropping patterns, climate vulnerable value chains etc. limit the potential of agriculture growth. This can be linked to lack of access to information on climate smart agriculture (CSA). CSA can substantially reduce climate change impacts. Modern technologies like, solar powered irrigation systems, laser land leveling, conservation agriculture, biological pest management etc. not only ensure better utilization of resources but also instill climate resilience in the agriculture system. Limited capacity of agriculture extension departments in Pakistan, for CSA advisory, is one of the major inhibiting factors in mainstreaming CSA in Pakistan. Pertinent national policies also recognize this capacity gap. Thus, LEAD aims at improving capabilities of provincial Agriculture Service Delivery Organizations (ASDOs) by delivering a professional learning program on CSA, under this project.
Project • CBA2019-07SY-Khan