Every year, South Asian countries viz. India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan suffer from a decline in agricultural outputs due to climate extremes such as floods and droughts. Recurrent droughts have depressed rural economies and enhanced widespread hunger and human migration to South Asian cities (Miyan, 2015). Due to climate change, the region is projected to experience rising temperatures and more frequent extreme weather events in the long term (Trenberth, et al., 2014). From 2046-2065, the region is expected to experience a rise in temperature of 2-4 degrees Celsius (Walsh, B., 2017). The Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has found South Asia as the most food insecure populations in the warming scenario. However, integrated research that combines satellite-based drought indicators with community impact assessment is rare. The aims of the proposed work is to develop a suitable drought monitoring tool for South Asia (in collaboration with Nagoya University and GEOGLAM Asia-Rice Project), and to enhance the knowledge of local communities and stakeholders by awareness programs, science-policy dialogue and trainings. This will further help in betterment in water management, enhance food production and economic growth of the region.
Project • CRRP2018-07MY-Kafle