This capacity development project primarily aims to enhance the upland farmers’ capacity to climate change through the establishment of rainwater harvesting technology. Specifically, this project will develop farmers’ knowledge and skills in soil and water conservation, rainwater harvesting and agroforestyr establish at least five (5) rainwater harvesting ponds in each landscape (cluster) in three upland farming communities in Albay Province, Bicol Region; develop a monitoring tool that will assess the RWH performance; document the lessons and experiences in project implementation; and develop a Manual for the Establishment of Rainwater Harvesting Facility in Upland Farming Communities in the Philippines. The project will center both on research and development activities. The research will revolve around socioeconomic and biophysical characterization, problem identification and prioritization of rainwater harvesting options, and identification of cluster of farms where RWH will be established. The data will be gathered through farm household survey, key informant interviews and focus group discussion. Development interventions including on-site training and establishment of rainwater harvesting facility will be based on the research results. Lessons and experiences will be communicated to the local government units and other stakeholders for possible upscaling and replication.
Project • CBA2019-01SY-Landicho