The rapid increase of the world population causes an increase in parallel with the world’s food and water demand. The development of the agricultural sector has contributed to the improvement of the food security. The problems of the water resources are getting more severe due to climate change, poor management and pollution. The shortages of water will result in increasing competition in many sectors, which will constrain agricultural production and will affect the income and livelihood opportunities for farmers especially in rural areas of the lower income countries. Therefore, it is important to develop affordable micro-irrigation for small-scale farming and promote the appropriate micro irrigation design among small-scale farmers in rural areas which would contribute to increase agricultural productivity. The main objective of this project is improving capabilities of farmers in designing and applying the appropriate affordable micro-irrigation technology. The method to obtain the project is by using multiple approaches analysis consisted of technology performance assessment and capacity development analysis, specifically the comparative analysis of “before” and “after” implementing the technology intervention. Farmers Field School (FFS), training and workshop will be conducted to strengthen the capacity of farmers, local communities, and government by delivering professional learning and giving assistance on sustainable agricultural practices.
Project • CBA2020-12SY-Saefuddin