The project will mainly address regional research to develop an econometric methodology for estimating economic loss and damage in agricultural sector by using climate change induced flood risk assessment maps—extracted from downscaled high-resolution future climate scenarios —for the pilot sites of three countries including Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The project also intends to explore Science-based DRR and CCA interventions—such as strengthening early warning systems for floods, behavioural changes of farming community (livelihoods) to adopt change of cropping calendar, change crop varieties and other climate smart technological packages. Moreover, this initiative addresses capacity building component by conducting two regional training workshops on the methodology of “Climate Inclusive Risk Assessment for floods” and “Loss and Damage for crops due to impending flood hazards.”
Project • CAF2016-RR01-CMY-Basnayake, CAF2015-RR01-CMY-Basnayake, CAF2014-RR01-NMY-Basnayake