Comprehensive educational activities provide the next generation of scientists and managers with relevant knowledge and practical skills, opportunities to interact and network with their peers, and to implement sustainable measures in Asia-Pacific coastal zones. Young scientists in developing country have limited capacities to relate global thinking with local actions, and lack of such skills to help them in future career under Global Environmental Change (GEC) perspective. It is essential that they understand the methodologies and techniques for assessing the impacts of climate change by trained scientific community. Considering this, LOICZ/East Asia Office sorted financial support from Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), Japan to organize a regional training workshop, the Young LOICZ Forum (YLF), integrated with LOICZ Open Science Conference in Yantai from Sep. 8-15, 2011. This workshop was intended to build capacity and train young scientist and future policy makers, researchers for understanding coastal zone vulnerability and adaptation to changing climate, provided the next generation of scientists and decision makers with knowledge and practical skills that they can apply in their own country and offer an opportunity to interact and network with their peers. The YLF is a well-balanced combination of OSC sessions and specific targeted activities for Early Career Scientist (ECS), including training workshops and practical exercises.
Project • CBA2011-06NSY-LOICZ