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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Capacity building in the Asia-Pacific region: The Young LOICZ Forum

In order to build strategic capacities for sustainable coastal zone management and effective responses to global environmental change in the Asia-Pacific region, the Land-Ocean Interactions in the Costal Zone project (LOICZ) organized an interdisciplinary capacity building programme for early-career scientists and young coastal managers: the Young LOICZ Forum Capacities for Global Change Mitigation in Asia-Pacific Coastal Zones. During the week, senior scholars and young scientists and coastal managers from 21 countries met for structured training on scientific techniques and soft skills. Emphasis was placed on common learning in multi-cultural settings to provide social learning opportunities through peer interaction, as well as on joint social activities to create sustainable working relationships and individual friendships. The design and organization of such an event requires temporal, spatial, human, and financial resources, but is a valuable investment in developing future capacities.