Many Asian countries are among the highest users of groundwater for irrigation in the world. Groundwater uses in irrigation is still increasing both in absolute terms and in percentage of total irrigation, especially in densely populated Asian countries. As the agriculture sector contributes a major portion of GDP and total employment generation, groundwater is considered as a major component of food security and poverty alleviation in many of those countries. Despite huge significance, groundwater based irrigation is heading for a crisis in many Asian countries and needs urgent understanding and attention. Rapid expansion of groundwater based irrigated agriculture to feed the growing population and inappropriate irrigation practices have caused overexploitation of groundwater in India, China, Pakistan and Bangladesh at an alarming rate. It is anticipated that climate change will pose another major threat to groundwater based irrigation system in near future. Increasing shortage of groundwater resources due to climate change and ever increasing consumption in agriculture could undermine the irrigation-based economy in many regions if adequate countermeasures are not taken. The goal of the project was to develop a long term regional cooperation among South, Southeast, and East Asian countries to exchange knowledge of the impacts of climate change and increasing consumption on groundwater resources as well as adaptation measures in order to achieve sustainability in groundwater based irrigation system. The project was successful to provide a knowledge-base about climate change impacts and adaptation to groundwater-dependent irrigation system.
Project • ARCP2013-25NSY-Shahid