Communication has a central role in raising awareness as well as influencing people to respond to climate change issues. Media has emerged as an essential source of communicating climate research to policymakers and the public around the world. However, media in developing countries, like Pakistan, lack the capacity to translate the scientific information and linking it to everyday life due to which the issue faces negligence on a wider scale. The proposed project aims to build the capacity of journalists and media persons of Pakistan through training workshops to effectively communicate the scientific information on climate change to policymakers and other stakeholders. The training workshop will serve as a platform for the media to interact with climate scientists and empower journalists and reporters to understand the technicalities of climate science and related uncertainties. Also, the project aims to disseminate the outcomes of the APN project on extreme events to the general public and students through dedicated news articles, TV interviews and seminars with a particular focus on highlighting the role of APN in promoting regional research. These activities would eventually contribute to better communication of the country’s vulnerability to climate extremes and would ultimately bring the issue to the forefront of policy priorities.
Project • ECSC2019-03-Kiani