The upland farmers are the most vulnerable sector caused by environmental degradation and climate change. This resulted in worsening poverty and food insecurity. Therefore, there is a need to introduce nature-based solutions such as agroforestry to address such problems. This project will assess the capability of land for agroforestry through a participatory approach using ALCAMS. The knowledge of the upland farmers about their land resources will be determined. Land characterization and geo-tagging of existing agroforestry farms are among the activities of the project. A land capability for agroforestry map will be generated and an agroforestry model will be established based on the results of ALCAMS. To capacitate the farmers about agroforestry, a training-workshop will be organized. The developed participatory approach of generating agroforestry land capability maps will also be shared to the representatives of Local Government Units (LGUs) to capacitate them in doing such activity. Information materials will be generated to disseminate the findings of the study. A policy brief will be produced highlighting the technical and policy recommendations that will serve as an instrument in establishing the science-policy linkage, and to create a more significant impacts of the project. As part of sustainability plan, the partnership between the farmers and LGUs will continue the project’s initiatives by scaling up the establishment of agroforestry model farms to other areas.
Project • CBA2022-07MY-Ramirez