The Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) project is a multi-disciplinary, international project that seeks to identify the mechanisms by which global change and anthropogenic forcing influence marine biogeochemical cycles and marine food webs and how these, in turn, influence marine ecosystems and human society. In order to enhance IMBER research in the Asia-Pacific region, an international workshop was held to assess needs for capacity development for IMBER research. The workshop evaluated current capacity building efforts and attempted to identify critical issues of capacity building, within the integrated ocean science programmes in the Asia-Pacific region, where additional development is required to ensure that the member countries are able to make appropriate contributions, both for regional and international success. This workshop was closely aligned to the APN’s (Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research) goal of “improving the scientific and technical capabilities of nations in the region” and was a good fit with the APN’s Scientific Capacity Building/Enhancement for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries (CAPaBLE) Programme. The output of this meeting will provide a unique and important contribution to the capacity building efforts of Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Capacity Building Committee, the IMBER Capacity Building Task Team and UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Western Pacific Sub-commission (IOC/WESTPAC)). All these groups contributed to the success of this meeting and are dedicated to improving capacity and keen to have the Asia-Pacific countries involved as stakeholders.
Project • CBA2012-06NSY-Zhang