One implication of climate change is shifting of season that has adverse impacts on cropping pattern and crop productivity. This threatens both life and livelihood leading to displacement and social vulnerability. To assist marginal farmers in adjusting cropping pattern and planting time in alignment with the shifting weather patterns, building capacities in preparing location-specific micro-level crop calendars is imperative. Traditional knowledge of communities in crop cycling must incorporate scientific mitigation measures, Climate Information Networking (CIN), Real time contingency planning, economic viability etc. Capacities need to be built at grassroots to ensure participatory planning and collective action towards augmenting community resilience. The objective of this intervention is to build capacities in resource poor communities inhabiting areas vulnerable to climate change impacts using hands-on training to develop location specific micro-level cropping calendars for seasonal crops their cropping intensity and patterns, based on market demands and need. While this prevents untimely distributions of seed, fertilizer and other input factors, it can be used by development-aid workers in the planning and implementation of seed relief and rehabilitation activities following natural or human-led disasters. Crop Calendar can serve as a quick reference in selecting crop varieties to adapt to changing weather patterns accelerated by climate change and risk preparedness.
Project • CBA2019-10MY-Ghosh Sarkar