Climate change and accompanied extreme events are affecting human welfare, ecosystem, and natural resources around globe, and that renders the increasing requirement for reliable climate information at local to regional scales. Aiming to advance the climate science and promote the application of downscaled regional climate information through global partnerships, CORDEX activities around the Asia-Pacific regions are in good agreement with the APN scientific strategies of improving the understanding of physical climate system, increasing the ability to predict climate change, and promoting the transfer of climate knowledge for effective management. ICRC-CORDEX 2019 will be held in Beijing 14th-18th October, 2019, with focus on boosting the regional climate change collaboration, and promoting further involvement of Asian Pacific countries in the international communication and partnership building. This project is to provide support for Early Career Scientists (ECS) and students from the Asia-Pacific CORDEX communities to attend ICRC-CORDEX 2019, on which they can present their achievements, increase networking and partnership building, and gain experiences and skills in knowledge creation and transfer. By supporting the relative scientific events, the project can also consolidate the corroboration among international communities of regional climate research and the adaptation and impact studies, and facilitate the conversation with full spectrum of end users.
Project • CBA2019-08SY-Wang