The inter-disciplinary project, CLIMAG (Climate Prediction and Agriculture) draws upon research from the meteorological, agricultural, and social sciences to utilize the enhanced ability to predict climate variability on the scale of months to a year to improve management and decision-making in respect to crop production at local, regional and national scales. A workshop, being hosted by the WMO, Geneva, will bring together scientists and representatives of the broader community now involved in CLIMAG-related activities to review advances in science since the 1999 workshop that launched CLIMAG and experiences in application of seasonal forecasts, to plan collaborative research, and to consider the future of CLIMAG. Results of the conference, including a WMO publication, will be widely disseminated. Since climate variability strongly affects agriculture in the Asia-Pacific region, it is imperative that regional scientists be prominently involved in this workshop and the formulation of future collaborative activities in the region. The APN funding support provided will allow for the participation of developing countries from the APN region.
Project • 2004-17-NSY