Climate change is disrupting Southeast Asia’s water cycle, leading to unpredictable rainfall patterns and water shortages in rural and urban areas. This project investigates water security challenges in three Mekong Delta cities (Chiang Rai, Can Tho, Phnom Penh) through a four-part approach. Part I analyzes current water situations and potential deficits using climate change impact assessment and water balance analysis. Part II explores Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for improved water security. This includes reviewing existing NBS literature, engaging stakeholders, and evaluating the suitability of different NBS options for each city to enhance water security. Moving on to the third part, a framework will be developed to evaluate water security in each city, with a focus on environmental and socio-economic factors. This will involve utilizing the WATSAT tool to assess water security levels and model the potential impacts of selected NBS interventions. Based on these analyses, each city will propose and implement one NBS solution, evaluating its effectiveness and feasibility in enhancing water security. Finally, Part IV focuses on capacity building and knowledge sharing. This involves identifying capacity gaps within government agencies, developing recommendations for NBS implementation, compiling successful NBS case studies, organizing a workshop to share findings and develop policy recommendations for enhancing water security in the Mekong Delta region.
Project • CRRP2024-01MY-Le