Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13) focuses explicitly on climate actions. Progress in tackling climate change has accelerated through the Paris Agreement. The IPCC plays a critical role in linking the science and policy domains for climate change, where findings from the Sixth Assessment Cycle (IPCCAR6) will serve as the basis for climate change negotiations. The APN will support three workshops in collaboration with key science institutions in the region, specifically the Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology (ANCST) and ICSU-ROAP, to enhance support for the IPCC AR6 cycle. The workshops will involve the participation of scientists and early career researchers to improve coverage of scientific information for poorly covered sub-regions such as Central Asia, West Asia, Southeast Asia, Hindu-Kush Region (South Asia) and the Pacific Islands. The expected outcomes include enhanced engagement of scientists and increased peer-reviewed publications from these sub-regions in the AR6 cycle. The project is also expected to create an impetus and sustain the momentum of scientific participation and contribution of Asian and South Pacific scientists to the IPCC AR6 cycle through the communication mechanisms and initiatives of APN, ANCST and key partners.
Project • AOA2018-01SY-Pereira