14-15 November 2019, Suva — An APN project implemented by the Asia Network on Climate Science and Technology (ANCST) under the leadership of Prof. Joy Jacqueline Pereira, Vice-Chair of IPCC Working Group II for the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), supported the conduct of a workshop and dialogue on IPCC key findings hosted by the University of South Pacific (USP). The two-day event aimed to encourage early-career scientists in the region to be involved in the IPCC assessment reports and ensure that the “Pacific narratives” are well represented in science-policy interactions and brought to the attention of policymakers.
During Day 1, highlights of the discussion include how can the Pacific region contribute and benefit to the IPCC and how can research capacity be enhanced as answered by the early-career scientists who have presented their research work. On Day 2, a review workshop on the draft Chapter 15 (Small Islands) of the AR6 and discussion on priorities of the region, respectively, was facilitated by Prof. Pereira, Prof. Elisabeth Holland, lead author of the IPCC Special Report on The Oceans and Cryosphere on a Changing Climate (SR SROCC) and Prof. Morgan Wairiu, lead author of the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 (SR 1.5). The compiled review comments on draft Chapter 15 will be forwarded to the IPCC Working Group II Technical Support Unit as a collective review for consideration of the authors of the AR6.
The workshop and dialogue were attended by 54 participants, 29 of which were early-career scientists from the Pacific who have witnessed the compound impacts of climate change in the region and have generated their own Pacific narratives through participatory research they are conducting in close cooperation with the affected local communities. In addition to enhancing the capacity of early-career scientists to engage in policy-relevant scientific literature and publications, the event also raised their awareness of the important role that IPCC plays at the science-policy interface.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change undertakes assessments that provide a scientific basis for governments at all levels to develop climate-related policies. These assessments strengthen negotiations at climate conferences under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).