Climate change and food security are considerable societal challenges in the 21st century. Food security depends on the sustainable management of healthy ecosystems. Vietnam is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and the impoverished ethnic minority groups in marginalized areas are the most adversely affected. The piloting and scale-up of effective nature-based solutions for food security are essential. Nature-based solutions (NbS) are defined as actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems. However, the effective implementation of NbS requires the awareness, understanding, capacity-building, and cooperation of different stakeholders at various scales. This project will increase the ability of farmers and resource managers to identify and apply nature-based approaches and practices. It builds the capacity of early career researchers, young female researchers, students, and CSO practitioners in the
Northern Mountainous Region of Vietnam in research and the application of nature-based principles and practices. In addition, a nature-based solution framework will be integrated into the research and educational curriculum of the Thai Nguyen University with a focus on training subsequent generations of practitioners and leaders. Expected outcomes of this project include the increased capacity of farmers, government officials, early career researchers, and students on understanding and applying nature-based solutions.
Project • CBA2022-08MY-Ho Ngoc