Dr Sangam Shrestha is a Professor and Program Chair of Water Engineering and Management and Head of the Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. He is also a Visiting Professor of Beijing Normal University in China, University of Yamanashi, Japan, National University of Laos, and SEI Associate of Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). His research interests are within the field of hydrology and water resources including, climate change impact assessment and adaptation in the water, integrated water resources management and groundwater assessment and management. Dr Shrestha has published more than 140 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and presented more than 100 conference papers ranging from hydrological modelling to climate change impacts and adaptation in the water sector. Dr Shrestha has been awarded “Distinguished Research Leader Award” in 2015 and 2019 at AIT. Recently, he has been named as one of the world’s top climate scientists in the “Reuters Hot List” that identifies and ranks 1,000 climate academics according to how influential they are. Similarly, in 2020, his name appeared in the top 2% list of scientists for research impact based on the most recent single year (2019) achievement in a paper published by Stanford University researchers in PLOS Biology.
APN Member
Sangam Shrestha
Asian Institute of Technology