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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Global change community announcement

Call for applications: Two new Scientific Steering Group (SSG) members for the Regional Information Society (RIfS) Core Project of WCRP

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) through its core project, the Regional Information for Society (RIfS), is looking for two new Scientific Steering Group (SSG) members. RIfS project intends to help advance international collaboration and consensus on bridging the gap between climate research and climate information used to make decisions. The RIfS is governed by the SSG, which oversees and steers RIfS activities and represents the wider community involved in these activities.

This call invites the community to nominate candidates, including self-nomination, who are based in countries not currently represented by the SSG and particularly encourages applications from Asia, “Least Developed Countries,” “Landlocked Developing Countries,” and “Small Island Developing States.”

This is a limited call to fill two openings, with terms to commence at the start of 2025. WCRP is looking to strengthen the geographic balance and reinforce the expertise of the SSG in the following areas:

  • Seasonal-to-decadal prediction
  • Social sciences relevant to RIfS’ work

Application details are as follows:

  • The application deadline is 12:00 UTC on 31 October 2024, Thursday.
  • The application form can be accessed here.
  • For more information about the terms of reference for the SSG, visit this page.