Weather and climate extremes have enormous impacts on society, and are increasing in both severity as well as frequency with increasing global termperature. The project here was to advance the rapidly emerging science of employing subseasonal, seasonal, annual to decadal, and long-term prediction ensembles to improve the prediction and understanding of weather and climate extreme events by hosting the WCRP Workshop on Extremes in Climate Prediction Ensembles (ExCPEns) and early-career scientist (ECS) networking and training program. During the workshop, 68 presentations were made over six sessions, with approximately 300 participants from all over the world in attendance. The ECS event followed the ExCPEns workshop, and consisted of a discussion and networking forum from APN member developing countries, followed by a series of ECS training lecture and discussion sessions open to all 58 ECS registrants. Through the workshop and stakeholder discussions, important scientific results on prediction and future changes of climate extremes were identified. Additionally, new research topics across different time scales were identified and prioritized. Workshop outcomes and related findings will be submitted to a peer-reviewed scientific journal for publication.