The intensification of technological and economic globalisation escalating the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere has contributed to global climate change. The result is more erratic rainfall, frequent and intense floods and increasing water scarcity (NCVST, 2009). Both flood and drought affect food security in many developing countries. Because they own few assets, are uneducated, have no skills, and are, in general, deprived, many poor people do not possess the ability or the resources to recover when extreme floods and droughts disrupt their livelihoods. Since conditions on which their livelihoods depend are increasingly stressed, their lack of capacity to respond to these impacts implies that poor people will continue to live in an impoverished condition. The consequences of these changes in food security on the poor are serious and varied, depending on the food production systems involved. This challenge in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) is serious. The present collaborative study attempts to understand food system vulnerabilities and identify its challenges in IGP.
Peer-reviewed publication