Rapid urbanization and frequent climate-related disasters are challenging issues in peri-urban areas. The integration process of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) into development planning is very essential in order to minimize the impacts and risks. This study attempts to assess to which extent the local government in peri-urban area has considered the significance of DRR and CCA integration into its development plan. This study focuses on flood disaster under climate change and peri-urban development. South Bandung Area, which is part of Bandung Metropolitan Area, is selected as a case study particularly the area along the river in the downstream of the Citarum River. Content analysis was conducted. The findings found that the integration process into development plan is not much strong. Although, the attention on the disaster has been mentioned. One of the challenges is the lack of policy direction of DRR and CCA into local development planning. Lack of understanding and law enforcement can be the drivers of this situation in peri-urban areas.
Peer-reviewed publication