The project developed the capacity of local communities and local governments of Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam in the formation of REDD-plus policies. A regional policy workshop, a regional training workshop, and a cross-training visit to a pilot site were conducted under this project. The key findings are: (1) The timing, content and understanding of localized context is important in the establishment of REDD-plus benefit sharing frameworks. (2) Securing community and local government participation in REDD-plus cannot be assumed or automatically guaranteed. The development of community participation indicators is therefore essential and has proven to be an important component for project partners in project implementation. (3) Community livelihoods as co-benefits to REDD-plus are critical and should be consistent with the goals of REDD-plus and implemented with equal emphasis and support as the other components of REDD-plus. (4) There is no single roadmap to successful REDD-plus implementation. REDD-plus policy strategies are varied in each country because of the varying legal frameworks and policy processes. Thus, strategies, programmes and projects at each level (national, sub-national and community) have to be relevant and responsive to the conditions of each country. (5) The critical steps to effect community engagement in REDD-plus are: informed decision-making by the community as a result of participatory consultations and awareness raising on REDD-plus, community participation in decision-making processes as a result of capacity enhancement, and securing free and prior informed consent (FPIC) of the local communities participating in the REDD-plus programme. (6) Sustained engagement and commitment to forest protection by community partners and other relevant stakeholders is necessary for the success of REDD+. (7) This project is a collaborative effort of European Union (EU), Fauna and Flora International (FFI), the Non Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP) and the Centre for People and Nature Reconciliation (Pan Nature).
Project • LCI2012-02NSY(C)-Guerrero