Climate change projections provide an important basis for development of future climate change adaptation strategies. However, since projections of future climate are very much subjected to assumptions made in the models, parameterization, model complexity, societal and economic development trends, etc., there are tremendous uncertainties in the projected future climate. The University Network for Climate and Ecosystems Change Adaptation Research (UN-CECAR) academic programme developed a set of training modules on Climate Projection Downscaling Methods in 2011 to inform the current status of methodologies, uncertainties and the appropriate use of projections. The modules provide training on two approaches to dynamic and two approaches to statistical downscaling methods, risk assessment and estimation of climate change impacts on floods and rice production. This third training was organised from 9–20 November 2012, at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, in partnership with the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN). Seventeen lecturers from ten institutions participated in the delivery of training for 48 participants. A new staggered approach was adopted to accommodate the high number of participants by dividing groups into two and staggering the programme by one day. Participants demonstrated high level of competency and could benefit from the training programme. A number of participants requested the use of the materials for their institutional capacity development activities.
Peer-reviewed publication