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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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A global dataset on tools, frameworks, and indicator sets for smart city assessment

This is a dataset on the typology, content, and structure of 34 selected schemes (i.e., tools, frameworks, indices, indicator sets) for assessing city smartness. The data is collected through content analyses of related documents such as manuals, working papers, and scorecards. The dataset covers aspects related to development as well as implementation of assessment schemes. It provides details related to the geographic and thematic scope of each assessment scheme, approaches towards indicator selection, themes that are consistently used across the schemes, indicators used for smart city assessment, methods applied for performing assessment, the state of implementation, and the complete list of cities that have been evaluated and their rankings (if applicable). The dataset is related to the research article titled “A typology of smart city assessment tools and indicator sets”.