Despite the enormous significance of change and variability in the Asian monsoon system for human activities, an inadequate number of scientists in APN region have an up-to-date knowledge of recent advances in monsoon science. To rectify this situation, the Advanced Institute on “The Asian Monsoon System: Prediction of Change and Variability” was conducted during 2-11 January 2008 at the East-West Center located on the campus of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Participants were twenty early career scientists from the Asia-Pacific region, selected through a competitive application and review process from an applicant pool of 98 applicants, from many APN member countries including, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, USA, and Vietnam. Lecturers at the institute were prominent senior monsoon scientists from many APN countries, including USA, Japan, Korea, China and India. The young participants and lecturers interacted through a series of lectures, discussions and social activities that fostered research network development, knowledge and idea exchange, and ideas/proposals for future collaboration. Specific activities focused on:
- Review of latest advances in Monsoon science, especially in relation to variability and predictability of the Asian monsoon, associated hydrological cycle and other key factors affecting monsoon system including GHG emissions and aerosols
- Practical hands-on experience with accessing and use of a comprehensive data and information system related to Asian monsoon based at the University of Hawaii
- Formation of sub-groups on inter-seasonal, intra-seasonal and longer term variability of the monsoon and development of ideas/proposals for longer-term collaborative research
- Awareness of and involvement in international science programs of WCRP (CLIVAR, GEWEX)