This research focuses on the integration of land use, climate and water resources for resilient urban cities purpose in the different geographical area of Southeast Asia. Bangkok and Hanoi, a capital city of Thailand and Viet Nam are included in the study. Future climate scenarios (AR5) of temperature and precipitation in 2050 was created using WorldClim downscaled date with 0.93 km resolution, looking for a baseline change in three cities. Land use/land cover change (LULC) was further explored and modelled by simulating three future LULC scenarios; business as usual (BAU), rapid economy change (REC) and green growth scenarios (GGC) to ensure that all possible socioeconomic factors will be taken into consideration. Projected temperature, precipitation, LULC were used as the input into Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model in order to estimate how much of the precipitation that falls in the particular area ends up as run-offs into the stream, and water budget based on demands and supply in 2050s. Proposed activities attempt to integrate different climate and LULC scenarios into water resources management by estimating future water demand to better conduct risk and vulnerability assessment in urban water context based on different socioeconomic and environment driving forces (thematic iii), while utilizing climate, LULC, biophysical and socioeconomic data as input into urban water resources analysis (thematic vii). Stakeholders were involved starting from the research preparation stage. Each country arranged the workshop to communicate, consult and to brainstorm different ideas of current adaptive capacity and future adaptation plan in the water sector to identify suitable adaptation practice.
Project • CAF2015-RR19-NSY-Monprapussorn