The project implemented a Measuring/Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) framework for quantifying city-level greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Phitsanulok Municipality, Thailand. In the process, a pilot global standard for city-level greenhouse gas accounting was tested. As result of the studies, a draft municipal-level GHG Inventory was developed and published 2012/13 annual GHG Inventory report of Phitsanulok Municipality. 50 municipality staffs were involved in the capacity development activities on MRV and data collection for municipality- and city-level GHG and enhanced basic understanding on climate change. Furthermore project offered 10 days training for two senior municipality staff of Phitsanulok Municipality on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions NAMAs and MRV conducted in collaboration with Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Phitsanulok Municipality exchanged their experience with Nonthaburi Municipality.
Project • LCI2012-01NSY(C)-Maeda