Climate Risk Assessment (CRA) is an integral to sustainable and climate resilient water resources (WR) development. It is even more so in warmer and wetter future with increase in climatic extremes, given the uncertainties on their cumulative impacts on the hydrological processes that influence WR systems performance. Motivation behind this proposal is to provide easy and accessible platform to WR practitioners to perform CRA, linking science to practice. This proposed project aims to (a) facilitate CRA through upgrade of existing “WEather generator and Climate Change Scenario Generator” (termed as WECCS-Gen here-after) tool (developed by Nepal Development Research Institute -NDRI) with climate downscaling capabilities; (b) build capacity of WR practitioners (national and international) on conducting CRA, using upgraded tool, into their professional practices; (c) promote CRA into existing practices at organization and national level. Overall expected outcome is improved capacity and preparedness for climate resilient WR development, while direct outputs will be the tool, knowledge product, and enhanced skills of WR practitioners, along with raised awareness on the subject. The proposed proposal is closely tied to APN Goal 2 – Capacity development and Goal 3 – Science-policy interactions; and is an effort to combat climate change impacts as per SDG-13. Upgraded WECCS-Gen tool can be up-scaled for CRA at regional level for climate resilient WR development.
Project • CBA2022-04SY-Shrestha