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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Read our Science Bulletin
Project • ARCP2011-16NMY-IGBP, ARCP2012-06CMY-IGBP

An International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Synthesis Theme on: Global Environment Change and Sustainable Development: Needs of Least Developed Countries

The aim of the IGBP-LDCs synthesis was to facilitated engagement of LDCs scientists to enhance capacity and generate policy relevant information. Within this the Asian Pacific and SIDS LDCs synthesis covered marine environment, coastal zone management and climate change extremes such as droughts and flood and the potential role of indigenous knowledge systems in addressing these challenges. The Asia Pacific and SIDS LDCs synthesis was based on existing documented and non-documented knowledge and resulted among others in a special issue in the journal of Weather and Climate Extremes, policy briefs and information Dissemination Workshop, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The synthesis process helped enhance cooperation across scientists, implementers and policy makers on managing environmental change among participant countries particularly in Bangladesh where majority of leading scientists were based. But the synthesis extended over a large spectrum of LDCs viz. Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Myanmar, Yemen, Laos PDR, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Samoa (graduated out of LDcs in 2014), Comoros and São Tomé and Solomon Islands.

Project publications

Peer-reviewed publication • 2017

Barriers, needs and potential solutions to reducing vulnerability to global environment change for least developed countries in the Asia-Pacific Region

Peer-reviewed publication • 2016

Bringing Early-Career Scientists to the Fore: Lessons Learned from International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) Landmark Synthesis Event

Report • 2016

Project Final Report: ARCP2012-06CMY-IGBP

Brief • 2016

Sustainable Development in Bangladesh: Facing Global Environmental Change

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Droughts in Asian Least Developed Countries: Vulnerability and sustainability

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Global environmental change and vulnerability of Least Developed Countries to extreme events: Editorial on the special issue

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Climate extremes and challenges to infrastructure development in coastal cities in Bangladesh

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Climatic and anthropogenic factors changing spawning pattern and production zone of Hilsa fishery in the Bay of Bengal

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Observed and projected changes in temperature and rainfall in Cambodia

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Natural and traditional defense mechanisms to reduce climate risks in coastal zones of Bangladesh

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Impacts of floods on forest trees and their coping strategies in Bangladesh

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Modeling recent climate change induced extreme events in Bangladesh: A review

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Societal impacts and vulnerability to floods in Bangladesh and Nepal

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Drought risk management for increased cereal production in Asian Least Developed Countries

Peer-reviewed publication • 2015

Barriers to reducing climate enhanced disaster risks in Least Developed Country-Small Islands through anticipatory adaptation