The workshop was developed to take stock of a number of important issues facing the agricultural communities around the world including rising populations with the consequent increase in demand for food; the pressures on the world’s food producers due to climate variability and change, as well as socio-economic conditions; the need to use natural resources productively, but sustainably; and the need within the agriculture communities for increased knowledge and better tools for risk management and adaptation. The workshop was organized into seven technical sessions, and a set of key recommendations were developed and adopted at the fifteenth session of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology, particularly while prioritizing the future work of the Commission for the upcoming 2011-2013 period. A follow on workshop was held in Luganville, Santo, Vanuatu from 11-13 December 2010 where farmers from each province of Vanuatu met with climate change scientists and agricultural advisers to devise strategies to help cope with climate variability and climate change.
Project • CBA2010-08NSY-Salinger