This project is to build capacity within SE Asian institutions, agencies and NMS to improve and extend historical instrumental, documentary and palaeo databases of SE Asian weather/climate, in order to contribute to the generation of high-quality, high-resolution historical weather reconstructions (reanalyses). These new baselines will allow scientists and policy makers across the region to address weather/climate extremes, impacts and risks in ways and over time spans not previously possible. ACRE SE Asia is unique, as no other body exists in the region with the same remit or aims. The workshop will:
1) Engage a wide range of researchers across SE Asia, fostering support for young scientists and building wider capacity and infrastructure.
2) Provide the basis for training and development of skills in data rescue, scanning and digitisation tools and techniques for historical and documentary weather observations from regional archives, with provision for continued on-line training and support.
3) Encourage open data sharing between National Meteorological Services (NMS).
4) Provide the basis for the climate applications community (eg. water, agricultural, environmental sectors) and policy makers across the region to access and utilise the new high resolution databases and reanalysis outputs developed by the project – eg. ACRE linkages (Prof Roger Stone) to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) community – see 4th ACRE Workshop – ACRE WG 4 Report: User Requirements and Applications ACRE WG 2 Report: Downscaling and PRECIS 1894 Thames Flooding Study.