Melasutra Md Dali is a Registered Town Planner under the Town Planner Act (Act 538) and also a member of the Malaysian Association of Social Impact Assessment. She has 22 years of experience in University Malaya as a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Faculty of Built Environment. Her teaching subjects are related to urban land use planning, social planning, planning theory and recreational planning. While serving UM, she was also involved in researches and consultancy services on Social Impact Assessment, Urban Redevelopment, Development Plan studies. She has been appointed as Council Member for Petaling Jaya City Council in 2008-2012 and be part of the One Stop Center committee. During her tenure, she was also appointed as Panel Member for Local Agenda 21 of the city. She is currently serving as a panel member for the Kuala Lumpur City Hall Public Hearing Committee for the gazettement of Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2040.
Melasutra Md Dali
Universiti Malaya