Dr Justin Sentian is an atmospheric scientist at the Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. He obtained his doctoral degree at Lancaster University (UK) in atmospheric chemistry and climate change. He has published more than 80 research papers in peer-reviewed international, national journals and proceedings and authored a number of books. In research, he has actively led a number of collaborating works in various topics of atmospheric science. His recent collaborative work is on tropospheric-stratospheric exchange (STE) of ozone in Antarctica, which is funded by Yayasan Penyelidikan Antartika Sultan Mizan (YPASM). He was appointed by WorldFish (funded by Asian Development Bank) as a climate change specialist for Malaysia in the investigation of climate change vulnerability and adaptation on the east coast of Sabah. He was also responsible for the formulation of the Sabah State Environmental Policy particularly on air quality and climate change.
Project leader
Justin Sentian
Universiti Malaysia Sabah