More than fifty percent of the Earth’s land surface has been directly modified by human actions. The indirect consequences of these actions affect everywhere on Earth (Hooke & Martín-Duque, 2012). One of the consequences is the contribution to net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), the average annual total GHG flux is 10–12 GtCO2eq from agriculture, forestry and other land uses. On the other hand, land also plays a crucial role of absorbing and/or preventing the release of CO2, as it will become the net sink in the twentieth century. Therefore, it is vital to enhance sustainable land management ecosystems that support adaptation and mitigation to reduce climate change impacts. The IPCC AR5 further explains that mitigation potential of land use changes are highly dependent on broader factors related to land-use policy and patterns (Edenhofer et al., 2014). With this rationale, APN’s Third Science-Policy Dialogue (SPD) in a series of three dialogues held since 2012, aims to share and discuss scientific knowledge on effective land management with policy makers and strengthen communications and links between science, policy and practitioner communities. Ultimately, the SPD aims to assist dialogue and knowledge-sharing that will have relevance for effective policy formation in the region.
APN, with its partner institutions, will hold its 3rd SPD under the theme “Land Use and Climate Change in Temperate East Asia” from 2 to 4 November 2015 in Mongolia. Outcomes of the 3rd SPD together with those of the previous two SPDs held in Southeast Asia (2012) and South Asia (2015), respectively, will be synthesised in an activity planned in 2016, and disseminated to the international community shortly thereafter.
Countries Engaged:
China, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation
Structure of the Dialogue:
The dialogue is a four-day event (including field visit) engaging more than 50 scientists and policy makers in Temperate East Asia (TEA), especially from China, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, and Russian Federation. The dialogue will be organised in collaboration with the Mongolia Ministry of Environment and Green Development and Mongolian Academy of Sciences. The dialogue consists of six sessions, which will include rapid talks from experts, knowledge sharing panel sessions, café kiosks, roundtable sessions, daily media round-ups in the first two days, a synthesis session on day three and a field visit on the final day. Dialogue themes and the field visit will be related to land use and climate change, covering a range of important issues, including:
- Climate and rural land management changes
- Land use change and its impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Extreme events and land degradation in drylands in the region
- Sustainable land use practice for mitigation and adaptation
Calling for Partners and Participants for the Temperate East Asia Science Policy Dialogue
We are inviting partners who are working in the Temperate East Asia region to become involved and publicise their services and products related to land use and climate change at this event. There are different ways in which your organisation or company can support the Science-Policy Dialogue. The options include:
- Become a partner by covering the participation costs for a minimum of three local governmental policy makers from China, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, and Russian Federation. The estimated cost per participant is 2500 USD including airfare, accommodation and daily subsistence allowance.
- You will be recognised as a partner and organiser
- You will have a free booth to disseminate information on your organisation
- You will be listed in the Dialogue programme and your logo will be displayed together with other partners on banners and meeting bags.
Please contact Dr. Linda Stevenson ([email protected]) with a carbon copy to Ms. Taniya Koswatta ([email protected]) if you are interested in becoming a partner.
- Become an exhibitor and share information about your project or services related to land use and climate change with policy makers and reputed scientists in Temperate East Asia.
Exhibit Fees- Single Space and A0 two poster panels (6 foot table): $500
- Single Space and A0 poster panel (6 foot table): $300
- Book or promotional Material Display: $100
Exhibit setup will begin after 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, 1 November 2015 and must be removed by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, 4 November 2015. Exhibit Hours will commence from 9:00 a.m. on Monday 2 November to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday 4 November 2015. Exhibitors are not required to pay any additional registration fee. One participant from the Exhibitor organisation is invited to participate in the dialogue as self-funded participant.
- Engage as a self-funded participant
Interested scientists, policy makers and policy analysts working in the thematic areas are invited to attend the event as a self-funded participant. Interested participants MUST currently be working in China, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, or Russian Federation. For registration, please contact the APN secretariat via email together with a detailed CV/Resume to: Dr. Linda Stevenson ([email protected]) with a carbon copy to Ms. Taniya Koswatta ([email protected]).
A maximum of 15 self-funded participants will be selected on a “first come, first served” basis based on area of expertise. There is no registration fee for self-funded participant.
Edenhofer, O., Pichs-Madruga, R., Sokona, Y., Kadner, S., Minx, J. C., Brunner, S., … Zwickel, T. (2014). Technical Summary. In Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Edenhofer, O., R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, E. Farahani, S. Kadner, K. Seyboth, A. Adler, I. Baum, S. Brunner, P. Eickemeier, B. Kriemann, J. Savolainen, S. Schlömer, C. von Stechow, T. Zwickel and J.C. Minx (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
Hooke, R. L., & Martín-Duque, J. F. (2012). Land transformation by humans: A review. GSA Today, 12(12), 4–10.
Update 22 July 2015: we welcome iLeaps as a partner for the APN Third Science-Policy Dialogue.