The ICIMOD/SERVIR-HKH Small Grants Programme is inviting concept papers from eligible institutions to explore innovative approaches and thinking to help relevant organizations speed their transition to climate-resilient, sustainable economic growth through improved policy and practice.
The grants programme will help grow the network of organizations, universities, and institutions within the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region that utilize geospatial and Earth science tools and services to improve decision-making related to sustainable mountain development with a special focus on climate vulnerability, mitigation, or adaptation.
It is expected that 4 to 5 grants (up to USD 30,000 individually) will be awarded to projects in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan.
Concept papers are due 25 March 2022. Full proposals will be requested from selected concept papers after the first round of evaluation.
Additional details on the request for proposals can be found on the official website of the small grants programme.